The Daily Grind Blues

Uh, tired of those dailys/valor grind? You’re. Not. Alone.

aygarens' daily grinding list

aygarens’ daily grinding list

Being someone who generally enjoys questing and doing dailys, I shocked myself at the end of last week. It’s something of an organized habit to take the three lvl 90s’ in turn, to begin each day with harvesting and re-planting their farms. Then one, and sometimes two, will get the call to muster their way through an onslaught of dailys. No real problem here, just time consuming since any one of the three can easily rack up 20-25 dailys.

Dufit has the added efforts of setting up and mastering an attack on the auction house. That requires some time every weekday morning as well. Last Friday when he finished up, I looked at the screen and said to self, “I am just sooooo tired of dailys right now.” Let’s face facts here. It’s a real chore to keep those three adventurers happy. They’re all like “Go-Go-Go!” and I’m like all “WTH!!!”

So I told them to get and go if they wished, but I was taking a much needed time out.

Off I went a’visiting. Yeppers. All them alts that had been collecting dust since the Pandaren invasion got to see some daylight for a change.

Two in particular stood out. One belf demonology warlock, and a lowly panda bm hunter. Levels 19 and 18 respectively. I haven’t yet raised a Panda class, so he was an obvious choice to run around with. Besides that, he had leatherworking. A profession I would like to see 600 capped out.



The blood elf lock……well, just an untold story. She’s one other class I’ve never level capped out, so could prove interesting. Profession wise, she wasn’t into anything other than random gathering. So, like it or not, she is now charged with that elusive engineering profession.



Over the weekend, both made noticeable and delightful progress both in character and skills. The lock actually became good at killing stuffs! So she was rewarded with the cool looking wolf mount from the vast stable of choices when she attained level 40. Yessir! 19-40 in practically no time at all. Gotta love that re-vamped leveling aspect.

Nokila at level 40!

Nokila at level 40!

Our little Panda hunter guy faired good as well. Leveled from 18 to 27 in the blink of an eye he did. He enjoyed his time of attention so much though, that he chose to add his own faction mount to the community stable. Really nice of him to do so. It pushed us up to 101 unique mounts! And his mount choice matches with his tanking companion as well! Now, what could be more enjoyable and awesome? I know Dufit was quite relieved over this. He can now slow down on his dungeon rep grinds for that panda faction rep.

Leetan's mount choice

Leetan’s mount choice

So really now. If like many others you’re tired and bumming out over daily/valor grinds, go dust off a couple of lowly alts. I promise, the grinds will still be there when you’re all refreshed and ready to tackle them again.

Side Trip

Dufit has spent the past few days on a bit of a mission. That’s the way things go though. He sights some shiny or object that attracts his attention, then it’s off to procure or obtain such shiny or object. This one took a bit longer than he was led to believe it would. Undaunted, he continued his hunting to the very ends of Pandaria and back.

End of the great journey

End of the journey, treasure in hand.

It was quite a journey and he enjoyed every bit of it and all the stories Lorewalker shared with him. He collected a few bumps and bruises along the way, all of which were worth their weight in gold. Afterwards, it was off for a bit of a rest with his new favorite Uncle.

Uncle Gus

Tomorrow, it’s back to the farm. And the Cloud Serpents, and the Angler’s, and the bug peoples, the Golden Lotus folks and, well, so much and so little time. 🙂



Filler Post: Screenies Ahead!

With several projects going on simultaniously, it’s been a bit slow around the blog. Never fear though! There always seems to be a few screenshots hanging about waiting for just such moments. There’ll be a return to relevant posts soon. Right after I manage to set-up two different Pitbull4 profiles…ugh. Enjoy the screenies for the moment, have fun in game 🙂

DMF Dancing Bear–Shadow style!

Obviously, Dufit’s been holding out on those DMF game tickets. Until he was spotted in the company of the dancing bear mount.

DMF monkey pet

I really need to keep a closer eye on those shadow priests.

Archaeology find.

Hmmmm? And I thought she was just chillin’ out in Dalaran.

Tol Barad Daily: Leftovers

🙂  At least Dufit worked for his playtime at the Faire!

OMG! The King!

Oh geez! Thought I left you wandering in Hillsbrad?

We’ll now return you to your regular round of blog reading 🙂






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