That’s Not Me!

The other day, I had need to journey to the home. Nothing serious. I apparently had never set up a Battletag number. Of coarse, this meant I had to actually sign-in to accomplish the mission.

Since I had gone this far a stray thought provoked me into visiting myself on the armory first. Up pops Aygaren. HOLY S*&!!!ย  THAT is not me! WTH!!!!

Must look good to kill stuffs!

Must look good to kill stuffs!

Well, it really was me, the real me, in my actual gear. What a shock. I’m so used to seeing me as I am in game that the real actual gear seemed gosh awful ugly. Yeah, guess I’ve been mogged for some time now, lol.

The whole appearance thingy held over until today. With the extra time to just do whatever, I started looking at possible transmog sets for Thdoria. Knowing my general wealth in game and capabilities, I shifted down towards green gear sets. After all, easier to farm if necessary which translates into less time consuming.

I’m not into the whole transmogging thing like many are, although, I have seen so many great mogs around that I figure one set per character would be a good thing. With Ay running around Pandaria in his Sunsong armor set, (brick battleplate recolor),ย he does seem to be rather unique. I kind of like the “knight-in-shining-armor” look.

Finally settled upon a set for Thdoria to begin with. (Shadow Council Regalia)ย It doesn’t really strike a chord within me like Ay’s did, but someplace to start none the less. It appears thus far that some of the pieces may need some old dungeon farming. No problem, both Ay and Dufit are capable of soloing these. It don’t seem to be a real common set, so perhaps when completed it will hold some of the “unique” value I can live with.

yeah, a little transmog won't hurt

yeah, a little transmog won’t hurt

So then, it’s pretty much a mixed day around here. Kind of lazy and laid back. It’s all good, for tomorrow it’s back to the usual adventures. ๐Ÿ™‚

Ramble On Tauren!

It’s been a very interesting weekend thus far, meaning Fri. and Sat. So, pardon me if I seem to ramble on a bit with no real plan.

Okay, I’ve actually got the UI mostly set-up, including the party and raid frames. Or at least I hope so, lol. One more project nearly completed, so one point for ‘happy-time.’

My co-gm, (guildmate and game friend all-in-one) sent Ay a wonderful little gift for which I’m very thankful. It’s this battle pet. Hehe! Now, I have this feeling that a certain “Cat” might be trying to lure me into that whole pet battle scene and although tempting as it is, I just have so many little projects going on that another one will have to take a number. So I will tuck the little guy/gal(?) away safely for when things settle down a bit.

Speaking of guild for a moment: A new member has joined our little bundle of ‘greys’. I’m really happy about this overall. Our initial forays into the world together have been fun, hectic, exciting…a mixed bag of surprises.

I foresee a lot of potential here, from the perspective of a guild leader. Perhaps I’m a bit of a dreamer but then again, dreamers are what builds and makes the worlds of Azeroth go ’round. Along with guilds, ๐Ÿ™‚ย  We now have four members, and I think if we ever all come together at once with some basic plans, the potential of a solid and interesting team could be in the making. As long as we keep the ‘fun and exciting’ parts flowing, I think the future is promising.

Ay has been running as Ret for his tour in Pandaria. lol, it’s not a pretty picture! He’s sadly in need of better gear and he’s just not making all the efforts he can to get there. He learned rather quickly the other night when the repair bill topped the 25g mark. Or was it 45g? Either one, deaths just don’t pay well, rotfl! So he’s just gonna have to grin and bear the random group thing and hit up some dungeons. lol, I foresee a few “kick-the-noob” sceanarios ahead.

at least he "looks" good!

at least he “looks” good!

If Ay thought his gear failed, Thdoria’s is even worse. As a caster dps though, she could probably manage the early MoP dungeons in fair shape.

Dufit, fairly geared, should be hitting the LFR every week though he’s yet to attempt it. Overall, I do foresee a lot of encounter research ahead. His little pick sheet shows him eligible for two raids. Haven’t got a clue how they work, so we’re breaking new ground once again.

The AH adventure: The first week of TSM accounting is encouraging. Just about 7k income for the week. Got a lot to learn yet though. Still trying to narrow the market down to something good for us. So far, it looks like a mix of several areas have potential.

Okay, I’ll wrap up the rambeling for now. Remember, it’s only pixel death. Do the corpse run and try, try, try, again. LOL!


Tell me a story

Tell me a story

Every so often, Dufit has these ‘sit-down-chats’ with whoever is available atm. This particular Imperial Silkworm is the elder of 5. They’ve become so common that 3 sit in the gbank as possible gifts/rewards, and 1 in his bag in case he decides to be generous and give him to some newbie he encounters.

Yesterdays chat covered several small subjects. The first to come up was rather a common concern, Merchant Green-what’s-his-name, and the quality of his seeds for the farm(s). Apparently, both Ay and Dufit would like to have some words with him.

Ay's farm problems

Ay’s farm problems

Dufit's farm woes

Dufit’s farm woes

Ay has taken a liking to his adoptive parents though, thinks they’re a right nice couple just hang with.

Such a cute couple :)

Such a cute couple ๐Ÿ™‚

Other causal discussions included; the lack of LFR and Scenario involvement, the new nearly completed UI which everyone is on board for testing now and the new adventures into slightly more than casual gold-making.

That last one has been about 6 days of trial and error with the AH. Gathering up some older stores of things and testing the market. The outcome isn’t too bad considering. About 3.5k income for the time period. Since these were mostly older stock items, it’s been long forgotten about some of the crafting costs and such. A rough estimate using more updated costs showed a figure of perhaps 1k orginally. We’re expecting this to get better the more knowledge we gain along the way. Right now, we’re only working with 4 capped professions.

The first item, LFR,etc. Just a matter of actual playing time (early days/afternoons), and random latency. Things could be better all around so we just keep our hopes up.

The new UI work is about 80% complete and now in everyone’s hands to work with. Updated pics coming this week. Still tweeking out some of the addons, and then it’s on to some serious macro schooling. Later this week we’ll see how the hunter, warlock and mage like the set-up.

Last but not least, Puppy Updates. Currently working on how to set up a small video of the little whiners. Yep, they have become quite vocal now, and very mobile. It’s kinda like they hit level 20 and got their first ground mounts, lol! Anyway, it’s on the ‘promised list’, and is in progress.

The Trader

The Trader

Trader Jambeezi, well known to the horde crew and visited often. By the way, have you noticed some new inhabitants hanging around the Tiller’s Market? I came across a rude little gnome mage who claimed to have several wands up his sleeves and he’s not afraid to use them! He walked away “lucky” that day. Unlike a certain little “Tweets” some time back. Seriously though, what’s up with the new faces?

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