Okay all, before I get into the PSA part, I have expanded my quest for experiences and adopted one cute little monk. Mistweaver style. Allow me to introduce, Sunoni.

Sunoni at level 19

Sunoni at level 19

This is a healer stance?

This is a healer stance?

Now, in regards to the aforementioned PSA.

After some 87 posts here now, I’ve decided to step back for a bit and re-assess this blog. It’s part in the WoW community, questionable and meager content, etc. Seems like I’ve got myself into some sort of re-assessment mode of late over several things.

I still love the game and all it has to offer. It is a challenge for me, one which I embrace and continue to enjoy playing.

As for this blog though…

Not being a lot of things in game has pretty much failed to provide substance for posts. I can pretty much deal with personal failures in game, but lacking quality content people want to read about, does not a happy camper make.

I do greatly appreciate the readers/commenters whom have stood by with their kindness. “Thank you,” so very much.


Zen time

Zen time




Yeah, I Went There

I seldom write anything personal. This is one of those rare moments.

A long, loooong time back, during an in-game conversation I had mentioned about posting some some pics here. As the RNG goes, I did’nt get to doing it for this reason and then that reason, such a slacker sometimes 🙂

It has been so long since that first chat that things have undergone some serious change. Lol, the following pics will serve as the timeline.



Meet my friend, Brutus Diesel. He’d been watching the rain falling and got a little sleepy-eyed. Although my friend, his “owner” is my niece. Her and hubbys’ nickname for him is Bully. Being a somewhat minimalist myself, I just call him “Bulldog.” Bulldog is a Victorian. A very lovable breed, extreamly easy going most of the time (when not on a stubborn streak), and believes he’s human. Pushing 85 pounds or so, he’s out-grown the puppy lap dog ability. But someone forgot to tell him and he still believes in utilizing that ability to it’s fullest potential.

Bulldog comes from a long line of pedigreed and notable ancestors. So darling niece and hubby decided one day he needed a girlfriend. Along came Bella. Also Victorian, but the sembelance stops there. Quite the dominate female, she’s more of a nip/bite first and ask questions later sort. Bulldog was taught to “not hurt the baby.” And no matter what she did to him over time, he still won’t defend himself when they occasionally argue.

Bulldog and Bella

Bulldog and Bella

They grew into quite a pair though, always doing and getting into things together. As opposite as they were in temperment, they managed to meld it together becoming a force/team to be reckoned with.

Bella came into her first heat cycle. Bulldog was a year and a half virgin as well. His curiousity and instincts heightened. It was quite harlarious at first, her being so much smaller. But determination and certain people’s lack of paying attention led to the inevitable. What was two… now eight.









Miss Piggy-female

Miss Piggy-female



*all pics were after feeding time…sleepy kids 🙂

**and I had nothing to do with all those names 😀

At the time of this writing, the Bulldog crew is some two weeks of age. Eyes are beginning to open and they have discovered “mobility.” All wobblely, like Bambi style, but none the less effective. Escape from the kennel/cage carrier is on the rise. Despite her youth, Bella has turned out to be quite the “Mom.” Her attitude has undergone some adjustments to the better, and all seems quite well. As for Bulldog and I, we just sit and watch all the melee and confusion in progress, lol! He is definately not sure what to think about all these furry things moving about.

(my apology if pics seem grain-ie. they were taken on one of those fancy phone things)

2012 in review

Happy New Year Everyone!  Yeah, I know. A bit late as usual. 🙂

I don’t normally pay a lot of attention to these sorts of things, like blog stats. I know who comes around and who usually comments since I pretty much always say “Hi” or “thanks” to each one.  Guess I’ve been around here long enough though that WordPress decided to compile some sort of year end stats thing for me.  You can Click here to see the complete report.  if you so wish.

I do thank and appreciate, all my visitors and followers, including those over at Twitter. In this new year, I will be making some small changes around here. lol, you just might see a relevant post or two mixed in with the usual personal banter!

I would also send out some heartfelt thanks to all the bloggers I follow and read regulary. Each of you have been inspirational in your own unique ways. Informative, funny, crazy, thoughtful and just really good writers all.

I trust everyone had a safe and happy holiday!

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