Dufits’ World, pt4-Memories

Welcome! May your feet find happy trails today. However you chose to spend your “holiday” time, I hope it was very enjoyable for you.

I’ve got a little story for you today. Who knows? Perhaps you may recall a bit of yourself from times past, as I did.

Dufit had been following through with the Domination Offensive story questline, finding them both informative and enjoyable. Late last week, Dufit had picked up his orders for “The Darnassus Operation.”  It was quite the covert operation, sneaking into Darnassus and tagging the Divine Bell location for pick-up. Ha! There did seem to be a lot of extra guards roaming the city that day. And of coarse, this little excursion did auto flag him for PvP. No problem.

After a successfull mission, Dufit headed for Halfhill in hopes of catching a possible Galleon spawn. Since his success with the Sha fight, he’s been anxious to try the big mushan. Anyway, he set up a campfire near the decorated tree, on the edge of the hill near the flightmaster. Clear view of the spawn field.

While he was enjoying a bit of refreshment well earned, he began to feel some sort of bug stings in his back. “WTH?”, he exclaimed. And to beat all, there was this pesky little bird poking at his freshly transmogged helm. Jumping up and taking a mid-air spin about, he eyeballed this alliance hunter standing well back of him shooting away at will.

Taking a second or two to survey this situation, Dufit quickly realized this hunter was in PvP spirits, and he himself, was still proudly showing his own flag. “Mess up my freshly cleaned hat will you?”, thought Dufit. Slightly enraged and irritated, the alliance hunter quickly found the next 8 seconds to be the last 8 seconds of his life. Needless to say probably, this small comotion caused a number on-lookers to gather about. There was quite a show of merriment and laughing at the now deceased hunter. One would have thought that this hunter, having the time and upper hand to engage Dufit, would have assessed the situation before opening fire. Strange as it may sound, this level 90 hunter reminded me of my early days in Azeroth, and how much of a hunter noob I was on a PvP server.

Meet Khrox, alliance BM hunter.

Meet Khrox, alliance BM hunter.

So, over the weekend, I went back to my beginnings where a dusty BM alliance hunter has been in storage. A lot has changed since his retirement at 85. Had the pleasant opportunity to chat with a guild leader this hunter used to run bg’s and arena with. Of coarse, the chance to experiance the alliance side of the Pandarian story, started this dusty hunter on his journey. Guess he’s about half way to 86 now. It was the chat with his former GL that brung life to many old memories. We were alliance, on a slightly heavier horde populated PvP server. Leveling was tough back in vanilla, lots of ganking and corpse-camping…lol! I was a total noob back then, but I survived and learned along the way. Back then, there were always folks about who would lend a hand or share some of their experiance and knowledge.

This dusty old hunter entered Pandaria fully pvp geared, with the knowledge and experiance of more battles than he can recall. I doubt if he’ll have any trouble reaching lvl 90. What struck me though, was Dufit. His quick dispension of that pesky hunter came from the experiances of long past times. In reality, it was an old alliance BM hunter that passed that knowledge along to this goblin spriest. Karma?

Dominance Offensive completed

Dominance Offensive completed

Now the proud owner

Now the proud owner

Dufit has gone on to complete the Dominance Offensive story questline. As enlightning and enjoyable as they were, it was that afternoon in Halfhill which holds it’s own special place in the  memory bank. And those old memories are the reason why Aygaren and his horde family steadfastly remain kind and helpful to others along their journeys.

Getting Ready?

This is Ay’s current look…he wasn’t too awful happy about showing his helm for this portrait. I had to bribe him.


As you can easily tell, Ay’s gear is a mix of Ruthless and crafted Vicious pvp. Along with some rep and quest reward gear. Yeppers! Most dedicated/leet players would cringe at this sight. And not the ‘cringe in fear’ type.

With the coming of Mists, Ay has been gazing into his crystal ball and wondering if he should try to upgrade his gear. Even if just a little bit. Am I, his handeler, worried about it? Not really. Other mains, alts and I have gone into new expansions in considerably worse conditions.

His current gear ilvl is 372. Obviously, some improvement would be easy enough to obtain. A few more TB’s and assorted battlegrounds and he could finish out the Ruthless set. Maybe push himself up to 390? Does he really need to do this?

I’ve been avoiding a lot of the technical information that’s been flowing for months over the new Mists. I seriously thought I’d rather go in blind and experience the whole of it in all it’s new-ness and glory. It’s been a challenge. I tend to take little quick sneaky peeks now and then, lol. Hmmm, the best laid plans of mice and men…..and Tauren.

The bottom line to all this rambleing on, is that Ay may have to forego some of his current pleasures and general laziness. Some of his bucket list of extra benefits may have to be curtailed. He may have to stop hunting those elusive mounts and frightfully tiny camel thingies. This makes for one disgruntled Tauren.

Look out Tol Barad! Ay’s in a mood and looking at you.



Weeks’ End

Ay has been sorta-kinda looking forward to this weekend’s game play. The thoughts are to do a string of battlegrounds with his darling orphan child. Not too sure how well that will go. But I guess the kid should know that the world is at war more times than not. It’s a learning thing.

This past week, Ay has been running around familar dungeons. He already has the Classic and Outland Dungeonmaster achievements, along with about half of Northrend. For some odd reason though, he decided to back up a few steps and re-do some in heroic style and now has a healthy completion list going on.

Along the way, he’s gathered up quite a selection of shields, many of which he now keeps for transmogrification use. Some, he can’t even remember where they came from! This one really caught his eye though, so it is the current mogging endeavor.

The ring of colors actually swirl around!

I hear that Ay is considering building a “look” around this shield. That should prove very interesting, and probably quite a project I’m sure.

Of coarse, he just could’nt be satisfied with just a new shield look. Having a bunch of honor points burning a hole in his coin pouch, he headed off for some shopping. The result of that trip was a new mace. Quite deadly and right up his alley.

Ruthless Gladiator’s Bonecracker

Now, don’t they just go together well?

The mace was a really good upgrade for Ay, so he’s happy for now. At least until he fills his coin pouch again. So, it’s a battleground weekend ahead. Most, he’s never been in before. Oh well, maybe the orphan child can teach him a thing or two. Like, “incoming!—Duck!”

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