The Day After

Today’s fragmented thoughts, in no particular order.

Theramore’s Fall: only because it’s still fresh in mind. 🙂  My preformance was well below even my own expectations. Beyond that, I do take general issue with the way so many players feel that they have to rush through content. Whatever happened to “enjoying” the content? Making clean, cooperative, team effort runs? Have players become so “leet,” that they just don’t care anymore?

XRealm populating: The one good thing here, is now seeing other players leveling through many of the previously desolate zones. Other than server time zone differences, not knowing what realm you’re playing on is questionable. Grouping, or being asked to group with, will give you an advisory pop-up. Basically it states that grouping with that person may cause you to change realms. Uhmm? Okay. But I’m already showing by the server time that I’m already on a different realm. I don’t find being popped about all these realms to be particulary comforting. Perhaps there should be an option available to remain on your home server. Just a thought, may not even be feasible.

Which leads us to…

Server Pride: Yes, I got some in my bags. I don’t see a lot of it otherwise. From my point of view, I am more likely to see players down rateing the server, and the general population. Obviously, that does nothing for the server or the population. The size of the population isn’t going to increase with all the negitive comments and actions. Neither will server pride.

Kind of a sub-section to server pride, I look towards guilds and their activities. ATM, Wow Progress is showing 81 ranked guilds on Fenris. And that’s just the PvE ranked guilds. I do a lot of reading around the WoW blogging community. I read about guilds holding various “events,” and often enough, there are guild sponsered server events. I don’t think I’ve ever seen any such events on my home server. Perhaps in it’s early beginnings, there were such things. I do think that a healthy dose of open guild activities would do wonders for the server. You want a better server? You want a more active and diverse population? Pay. It. Foward. Get off your backsides in Org.

Okay, I’ll get off my little soapbox. For now.

Healing: the baby healer, lvl 14, is still making efforts to learn her new trade. Her last battleground appearance was a slight improvement. And only because she started putting shields on any friendly in LoS! lol. Her key masher is still banging head on keyboard trying to use the standard raid frames and keybinds rather than click targeting the nameplates.

Aygaren is still poking about with farming stuffs and dabbeling with the AH.

Yes, the last one for that group!

lol, soloing himself to personal fame.

Dufit does lots of dailys now, intersparsed with battlegrounds, though mostly TB.

“Where is everyone?!?”

Thdoria; now lvl 81. Yay! finally got herself out of Dalaran and into Mt. Hyjal. The profession team project is coming along. Atm; Blacksmithing, Tailoring and Enchanting are level capped. Alchemy is very close with only 10 points to go. Jewelcrafting and Inscription are slightly above mid-level, waiting for their owners to character level.

Guild activity: Uhmm? We’ll get into that another time. In the meantime…

Watching the Goblins and Gnomes, lol

Okay, time to go read about other folks happy adventures.